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Malaysian Computer Technical Blog (Info)

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

#3 - Unlock your friend's maxis PIN number

[I just realize this wasn't working anymore after make this post.. sorry. But you still can read it for fun.]

Huhu.. this trick isn't difficult to do. But perform it at your own risk. Here's what you can do when you get very boring. First asked your friend to set a PIN for his/her maxis phone. Then ask him/her to off her handphone and telling you are going to open her phone using magic style. Lol..

Here's what you should do:

1. First, Log in to maxis PUK recovery website. Key-in your friend's phone number, and copy the PUK code.

2. Then using her phone, switch-on her phone and key-in 3 times for any PIN number. Hehe.. this one is risky enough.

3. Then the phone will block further attempt and asked for the PUK code. This is where you will key-in the PUK code that you copy from maxis site. :)

4. Set the new PIN code, I suggest only use PIN : 1234 as a precaution when you forget to tell your friend the new PIN number.

5. There! You can access your friend's phone now.

Again, use it at your own risk. If anything unexpected happen, feel free to ring the maxis center at : your nearest Maxis Center. :p

1 comment:

ahli pemikir politik said...

call 11311 by maxis here,also us can unlock that puk