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Monday, 14 January 2008

Money is not everything... but

"Money is not everything, but everything is money.."

Today.. I have an interesting experienced (i won't call it bad) during my life at UTM. It's enlighten me about something, something that show how money is so important in our life. So here's the story..

20:00 : Me and Fairuz, my coursemate, decided to go dinner at Kolej 9 cafe, which is the place about 5 km from our Kolej 17. We had nasi campur during our dinner. Very hungry, cannot wait for the hot food order. Hehe.

21:00 : On the way returning to our college, Fairuz received a call from his nephew saying her is sick and critical. Out of breath. So without wasting any time, we turned back to KTC, college next to Kolej 9, to her nephew block.

21:10 : Expecting we came with a car, all of her friends (about 7 of them) come out from the girl's block carrying her to us. Hehe.. Very shame moment when they thought the pakcik must be someone older and came with a car to bring her to hospital.

21:15 : We managed to get someone attention to carry her to hospital after making several unanswered calls. Its the Pengarah Unit Kebudayaan UTM. We then took her to the UTM Health Center.

21:30 : She still out of breath (sesak nafas..). So the nurse and doctor there suggested to take her to Hospital Sultanah Aminah (HSA), Johor Bahru.

22:00 : Me and Fairuz and the patient and two of her friends went to the HSA using an ambulance. Hehe.. Its my first time being inside an ambulance, with the loud sirens, and we can see all the cars and vehicle making ways, and the police road block (well recently many road blocks in JB) which we just passed through smoothly.. Haha..

22:30 : We arrived. She was taken to the emergency units. Huhu.. Its been a while since my last time been at any hospital. We can see many type of patients there. Some scary, some critical, some are okay.. During that time, there are 5 policemen guarding one scary looking guy that was taken to the emergency unit on that night. Huhu..

23:30 : Fairuz's nephew was ok.She able to stand and smile and walk as usual. Now it's time to move back to UTM. One obstacle, we don't have enough money to pay the taxi at this midnight time. At this time I was realized that money is so important in our life. Both of our scholarship sponsor, the JPA hasn't bank in any money yet since this semester started. For those three person, we sacrifice our RM25.00 (the only money we have) so that they can go back UTM that night.

00:00 : After Isyak prayer, I and Fairuz started our jouney to UTM. One choice - "walking down the street!". Wow, it's a new record then since my last record of walking 5km at 2am from K17 to KP searching something that drop from my motorcycle.

00:30 : Arrived at Danga Bay. We just taking fresh air.. and loafing until 2.45 am just to kill the time. Until Danga Bay closed la.

02:45 : We continue our journey. FYI, we just walking from HSA to Danga Bay and to next destination during this night. (To be continued..)


baiz said...

pengalaman naik ambuln mmg best kan?dok kat emergency ward pun best.. mcm2 benda leh rasa dan blaja kat situ.. thats what i feel everytime i'm in the hospital. tak leh nak gambarkan ngn kata2.. hehe. alhamdulillah nephew kwn tuh dah ok. naper lak kwn si jpa tuh xder duit?? belanja byk sgt or duit dpt mmg sket?? btw, mmg duit tuh penting dlm xlah penting sgt..byk lg benda lain yg lebih penting lg.skali-skala jalan2 exercise kaki.. budak lelaki lagi pun kan..

DeKaN said...

Yeap. True. Best tau naik ambulance. Kitaorang waktu tu JPA lambat masuk. PTPTN pun lambat untuk final year. UTM KL punya orang 'terlupa' key-in. How come that can be happened? Fakulti elektrik sahaja dah 600 orang. Ni satu Batch xmasuk lagi. Very slow and very malas diaorang. Bad attitude. Sorry kutuk. Wakil suara pelajar. :p UTM Skudai ok. Skali sekala jalan kaki best gak. Buat rekod tuh. :)

A.Syakirien said...

ish ish.. astaga..

Anonymous said...

Dekan Said: "Wow, it's a new record then since my last record of walking 5km at 2am from K17 to KP searching something that drop from my motorcycle."

~~And don't forget our record jogging from K17 to K10.. eh, aku ngan ko ke aku ngan alan? aku lupa ;-p

Anonymous said...

begitulah dek hidup student..
insyaallah, pengalaman begini mengajar erti hidup yang sangat berharga.
Good luck for your future undertaking.